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the Butterfly Garden
where dreams are
And wishes
are granted.
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Monday, September 11, 2006: Freezing my blogblog.
But it's not going to die. Not even my Neopets are. I can starve them for years on end and they'll still be around. Maybe I should remove them because I'm not interested anymore.
Happy September 11th. And hey! Guess what, an American woman won her state lottery twice! And her name is... Valerie Wilson! Hahahahahahahahahahaha... Man, if only it had been our dear Mrs Valarie Wilson, the Choral Fest conductor, who'd struck TOTO or 4D twice. That WOULD'VE been something! And yes, I still miss Choral Fest!! Who can sail without the wind to rescue the Saving Victim? Who can? Choir 1 of course! Choir 1 to the rescue! Hahaha.
Hey if the plans for the next chalet come to fruition, I hope singing is in the plan. Oh man I miss singing those two songs! The Cedarian Chor1sters were in the MS on those two days of Best Practice Day at our school, practicing them. YES CHOIR 1 IS PWNSOME LOVE OF A KIND THAT CANNOT BE MATCHED.
I'm going on hiatus after this (that's why I said I'm freezing my blogblog). Any comments about the days on hiatus shall be left as tags on my tagboard. And when I return, I'm gonna combine them all into one massive post.
I'll be back for the December hols. Fret not. I'll be back for Christmas.
~Seraphine Chorister~ sang in The Butterfly Garden
[6:25 PM]
Sunday, September 10, 2006: Once more, lost in thoughts
Who were you to me, in our past lives?
You, who were so nice to me, all of you.
You, who treated me indifferently, all of you.
You, who treated me with hostility, all of you.
Who were all of us?
Was I ever my namesake?
Then who is the present incarnation of Odysseus?
And what about all the rest? The Cedar Choristers, the Chor1sters, the classmates and teachers of past and present, my three best friends?
How did we meet? What caused us to meet? When were we? Where were we? Who were we? Why did we meet?
I'm not saying that my life is a mess and that I want to start over. I don't. I'm very happy with it. Really I am. And I am grateful for the bonds, the good bonds. Need I worry about the bad bonds? I doubt.
The world is a motley mix of various types of people. Just as much as you can be surrounded by foes (bella premunt hostilia), you can also be surrounded by friends. It just depends on who you bump into... or does it go deeper than that?
I am grateful.
And here I wish to thank all of you. Though there's no special occasion, I still want to.
In no particular order (special mention to those whose names are capitalised):
1.4 of year 1999 / 2.4 of year 2000!
3.5 of year 2001!
4J of year 2002!
5A of year 2003 / 6A of year 2004!
1Purity of year 2005 / 2Purity of year 2006!
THE CHOR1STERS AND CEDAR CHORISTERS! (special mention to named choristers...)
Cedarians first:
S1SL*, S2SL*, A2SL*, Clara, Senior Sec*, Karen, Loshini and Samantha, Senior UM*, Yingfang, Saranya, Yvonne, Youying, Dayna and the rest of the choristers in your cohort!
Pres/A1SL*, VicePres/former HOP*, S1SL/SC/former Sec*, S2SL*, A2SL*, Berenice, Yinxue, Qixuan, Ruiwen, Sec*, Vidhya, Aishwarya and the rest of the choristers in your level!
Yuan Qi, Sonam, Annette, S1SL and RP*, Niro, Dionne, Sunanda, Divya, HOP* and the rest of my cohort's choristers!
Charmaine, Yu E, Jiaxuan, the 1M girls, Jiehui, Charis and the rest! Go juniors!
And not to mention the IP seniors of last year!! Cassandra, Xuemin, Trudy, Kaiyin and Arthi!
* These are the titles held by these people... from these you can deduce right? I needn't explain further.
Chor1sters now!
Li Shan, Lianghwei, Wenqing, Genevieve, Jinli, Victoria (spelling?), Janice, Stacey and a few of the boys (DO NOT GET ME WRONG OK?) such as Joseph and Lester, and one Dunman tenor, and one bass (I really don't know his name, but he's from RV).
*~~* And I shall treasure it eternally.
And hey I didn't forget my parents. Their tribute shall be published in time to come.
Hey Sec4s, how were the prelims? Good luck for Os... No not just good luck, all the best! Here, have my whole plantation of four-leaved clover!! And I do crop rotation too! Every few years I change the crop to... erm... potato... and then I switch back to four-leaved clover! Yeah! So you can have my plantation! I'm only switching to potato in 2009! So there's plenty of luck to go around!!
All the best to all of us for EYE exams. CHEERS.
Should I go on hiatus? Perhaps. If I have to post something to remember, I'll make a note of it in my tagboard.
Will it all really repeat?
And the bonds between us... across different lives... Someday, will I meet you again?
Even if there's someone from another past life that I haven't met yet, I won't fret. I will wait until we meet again.
~Seraphine Chorister~ sang in The Butterfly Garden
[5:51 PM]
be sorted @ nimbo.net
Congratulations on making Gryffindor!
Basically, you're brave, daring, chivalrous, and pretty much.. an all around good person. Of course, some see you as a goodie-two-shoes. But hey, it's true! You're really good at winning, and normally always come out as the hero. Everybody likes you.. except, maybe, the Slytherins. You're too perfect. No, really.. You're too perfect. It's annoying to watch you win, repeatedly. Oh well. Be proud anyway.
Gryffindors to Remember:
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
The whole Weasley family
Hermione Granger
Albus Dumbledore
Erm. But I thought I'd get Ravenclaw. Must be the "magic world" questions. And I'm not good at winning anything. But I guess, it's time to turn things around, get my feel of the tide up, and GO.
Happy birthday to one of my storybook characters! And her matriline. Hahaha.
~Seraphine Chorister~ sang in The Butterfly Garden
[9:33 AM]
Saturday, September 09, 2006: Et j'attends... (And I wait...)
...for the answer that I sought this very morn.
Is it her?
I daren't tag, lest it's not, and I find myself all forlorn.
Please tag back, Weiyi, with the info I need, as soon as possible.
...for exams to be over,
and until I can grow more four-leaved-clover.
...for deliverance, from this state on Earth.
It's all so stifling right now.
Yes, fellow (future?) women-power activist, 14 is the age to be.
But everything else is so stifling.
Everything else but singing, and September 5th, 2006, and happy times.
...rather, for deliverance from this state of mind.
In my French comprehension passages, there was one that mentioned a fictional Club Mad.
Depressed employees would go there for one-week stays, and it's hell over there.
And when they return, they're all smiles and happy with their current lives.
Maybe I should go to such a place, to Club Mad.
It's not your happy family resort, it's not Club Med, I said CLUB MAD.
...for the day when I complete spinning my cocoon, and then undergo the changes I have to.
And when that's done, I shall emerge, a beautiful, powerful butterfly.
And not just any butterfly, but an Aethereal butterfly.
Colourless wings of rainbow sheen, every scale of them partitioned by gold borders.
And now I'm singing off.
~Seraphine Chorister~ sang in The Butterfly Garden
[12:15 PM]
Did I just find my cousin's blog?
But is it true?
All the info tallies (it shows in the sheer amount of quizzes she takes), but I'm just not sure.
The apparent link is in Wei Yi's blog, but 'melwee' doesn't link out.
Drats. She already knows someone else (who's NOT me) called Penny, the owner of my *SUSPECTED* cousin's blog.
But the thing is, I never knew she had this side to her (if it even is her).
And for another thing, Wei Yi is not in her class... so how could they know each other???
No way. I'm tagging Wei Yi. I want to know. This has to stop. NOW.
I want, fervently, to know. The flame is burning in me, burning up all the Air. This can't do. Soon I'll invoke my Watery side to quench this fire.
Singing off.
~Seraphine Chorister~ sang in The Butterfly Garden
[11:49 AM]
Friday, September 08, 2006: Dear Mr. Sagittarius...
Yes, once more, I'm speaking to you here, although it's unlikely that you'll ever read. However, this is the only way I can tell you without a direct confrontation.
You've made progress. Keep it up. I'm sure Seraphimon and Ophanimon are happier. But why did it take Ophanimon's (literal) chasing you around the place for you to follow the instruction? Volume down. How much simpler could it get?
Keep up the good work, nonetheless.
Your senior, Penelope
~Seraphine Chorister~ sang in The Butterfly Garden
[7:32 PM]
I wish I knew why.
Yume haunt me all the time.
I'm not giving anyone or anything permission to haunt me. Dreams haunt me all the time. (yume = Japanese for dream[s], sounds like "you may")
Last night's dream was weird. One of my primary school seniors, Fenfang, was due. I'm leaving you to guess, how and in what sense. But it was freaky in that she (the dream Fenfang) was glad about the whole thing. And I'm not talking about dreaming about the future, the dream was set in the present time.
Anyway... that was harrowing.
There was Choir practice today!! Whoot whoot whoot! And sectional practices rock.
We had sectionals, for our new piece. *NOT DISCLOSING THE TITLE!!* And it was so much fun. Especially when the piece is light-hearted and happy. Yay.
Cool - the guys are the ones that give *the aboriginal piece we're learning* its aboriginal feeling, really. And that shouting, towards 'P'... Oh that was THE highlight of the effects that the guys produced. Too bad for us in that we're in a girls' school. But that's lovely in its own respects. *And I'm still not disclosing any titles... HAHAHA.*
Reply to juan!: You're Juanmin right? Hahaha, Juannifier! Hey Juannify me can? The easiest way to do so would be to leave a link!! Please do on your next visit!!
Singing off!! (Deliberate spelling mistake here.)
~Seraphine Chorister~ sang in The Butterfly Garden
[1:37 PM]
Wednesday, September 06, 2006: Et encore, je suis en ligne... (And once more, I'm online...)
Yes, I'm online again.
What do you think of when you think of "nature"?
If you think of crudeness, then I'd say, change your thinking a bit.
Everything in it is interlinked. Think of food chains, the cycles (like the water and nitrogen cycles, among others), and much more. It's so true, you know, that "we are all connected to each other, in a circle, in a hoop that never ends" (quote from the song, Colours of the Wind). But I'd like to just tweak that allegory a little: We are all connected to each other in a web of links and lines.
Don't destroy the web of life OK? Let's do all we can to protect it. All of us, let us unite and fight for the survival of ourselves and the planet. Let us not destroy the beautiful lace that is this network of life. What we have torn, let us sew back. We must learn how; we have no choice.
For ourselves, for the planet, for Nature, for Gaia. (Yes Greek myth rocks more than Roman myth because the latter is the copycat version.)
And this part of nature (the part about a whole host of links) manifests itself everywhere, even with regards to the various fields of human skill.
I love being my own instrument, but it is, admittedly, tiring. Still, no pain, no gain, and I must work my way up. And nothing shall dampen my flame of love for singing. I have the Air to keep it burning. And I can now better control my breath, thanks to a re-explanation - of something that the conductor was teaching us - that I requested.
Ask, and you will get an answer. No matter how foolish the question may seem, ask. Just ask.
And if you have any questions about anything that I've posted so far, yes, feel free to ask!! Just tag me on my tagboard.
No inside info on choral techniques however. We have our rivals. Sorry people, no freebie tips or anything of the sort. Never. And I'm not divulging all the details of my life either. That's where the line is drawn. But on all other matters, feel free to ask.
~Seraphine Chorister~ sang in The Butterfly Garden
[1:20 PM]
Tuesday, September 05, 2006: To a certain guy in my life...
My dear junior, Mr. Sagittarius,
You are getting to be too much. You are really getting to be too much.
Why do you keep on watching that channel when Seraphimon and Ophanimon have specifically told you not to do so?
Why do you keep on relating all those unwholesome things to us?
I have no link to such things, I shall tell you. And there is no way that you are going to change the very essence of who I am. Because if you ever do, I shall sue you until you go broke. And even more. And if you ever do manage to change me in that fashion, I shall challenge you to a fight. And we shall have a showdown, and I shall make sure that no trace of you exists from that point onwards.
I have been kind enough to downplay the bad side of you every time I speak of you to my friends and teachers. Even in that essay pinned up at the Cedar Sec 2 billboard, I tried to play up your good side. But now it seems that I can't find a way to forgive you. Not at all.
I think that what I can be most thankful for is that I am not going to be your guardian any more. I was your guardian for those first two years of yours in our primary school, and I bore the brunt of everything. In fact, I might have worsened the situation, but I gave my all and my best in being your guardian. But because of our age gap, I shall no longer have to face you - in the upcoming SYF Central Judging of Choirs, in my Sec 4 year, in my JC. I shall no longer have to face you.
According to Seraphimon and Ophanimon, however, the way you are is due to your condition. I wish that made it easier for me to forgive you. However, it does not. What you said tonight really angered me, was the spark of an evil flame, unlike other flames that burn bright with love, kindness, truth, hope and promise. Yours does not burn that way, though I wish it would.
Please. Open up your eyes to society and the people around you. Hurry, for time is running out. I fear for you, in spite of the fact that this post seems charged up with hate. I fear that you may not be able to open your eyes quickly enough.
Shall I continue to be your guardian?
Perhaps, but it isn't the most pleasant of jobs. Hopefully I can do it well. Air and Fire, as they say, is supposed to be a good combination, and according to Quizilla's Friendship match based on horoscope, Gemini and Sagittarius is supposed to be a very good combination.
I hope to make it that way, sometime soon. But the thing is, it isn't like this at the moment. It really isn't.
I shall need the help of Seraphimon and Ophanimon, but more importantly, I need you to realise. I need you to see. Just their effort alone isn't enough, what we need is really your input.
I changed my shirt tonight because we were wearing the same shirt, but I wanted to disassociate myself with you and your mind and thoughts. Blabbermouth. Chronic HVD case.
I hope to change it around.
I really do.
And I need your help.
Your senior, Penelope
~Seraphine Chorister~ sang in The Butterfly Garden
[10:55 PM]
Today was Day 2 of the Chor1sters' chalet gathering. But I didn't get to use the chalet itself. Mainly I was tagging along with Denyse. And one more thing: my hairstyle was mutable (i.e. prone to change) today. It started out like the hairstyle that Hama Chisaki (note: like in Chinese, Japanese and Korean names, the surname comes first here) models when playing Mizuno Ami aka Sailor Mercury in the live-action version of Sailor Moon, but without the fringe. It's better viewed from the side, like in this scene below (with Azama Myu - on the right - as Kino Makoto aka Sailor Jupiter): (Images from moonromance.net / shingetsu-pgsm.net) Then, after that, I tied the bottom portion of my hair, then reverted to the Mizuno Ami style, and then, at one point, I completely untied my hair so as to release the tension on my giddy head. But in the end, I changed back to the Mizuno Ami style. And now... allow me to repeat the marquee below... for two reasons: 1) to celebrate my learning how to do a marquee; and 2) because I really relished the trip there! It really was unlike the previous trips to Escape. And it couldn't have been possible without those four!! Today was a great day, even without the whole of Choir 1 with us. Oh yes, and I ought to extend a special word of thanks to Denyse's father. Without him graciously giving me lifts from and to Pasir Ris Interchange, I think I'd have perspired a great deal more. And so, once more, the marquee:
It all began in the morning; we had arranged to meet and then she called and asked if I would like to hitch a ride with her Dad to Downtown East (where the chalet is). And then we found the chalet while the stayers (those who were staying overnight) were having their breakfast. While we waited for them to finish, the both of us just paced the walkway and talked and lamented how the place had changed.
After the stayers were done with breakfast, we went to the chalet itself and Janice(the organiser)'s group played a weird game with Vitruvian men and Stars of David and goblets and phones and runes on cards, and a baton-like object. Basically the game is a little like snap in that something happens when two cards with the same (and it must really be the same) object turn up in the same turn - the two players with the identical cards have to snatch the baton, and the person who does not get it in time takes the cards on the other player's pile. A wrong snatch results in the 'snatcher' taking the other player's cards. The aim is to shed all your cards, like in Uno.
And then, after that, the group decided to head on down to Pasir Ris Park for a spot of cycling. But Denyse, as well as three of the Tanjong Katong Girls * - Genevieve, Jinli and Victoria - and myself, didn't cycle; either we couldn't or wouldn't.
* Why's the word 'Girls' capitalised? Because there's Tanjong Katong Sec and Tanjong Katong Girls', which are two separate schools.
So we went to Escape, the nearby theme park. But the counter staff said that we would not be able to use the rides when it was raining. True enough, it was drizzling. With no alternative (we couldn't possibly return to the chalet without a stamp on our arms), we walked about in the park for a while, the five of us. We even ventured down to the coast. Self-quote: "Oh goodness, we're so close to the sea!" Really, there was so little coast on the side where we landed up that you could measure it and it wouldn't come to five metres, not when we were there. I reckon that was around 11.30am.
Back to Escape it was for us. This time, we got in.
And after that, everything else can be summed up in this marquee below:
Yes, indeed, I want to do it again, in spite of the fact that I got dizzy after the first two rides. And Denyse showed her signature kindness and warmth. Hmm, something for me to emulate. See? But the clock at the top-left obscures it a bit.
This is a better view of the same hairstyle.
~Seraphine Chorister~ sang in The Butterfly Garden
[7:32 PM]
Monday, September 04, 2006: Finally... finality
It's all going to be over. No matter how I try to beg time to stay, it just keeps on running.
Yay... got one more person linked. Lost and found. And through the newly-linked person I found a link to she who wronged me first before I gravely wroged her. And to think that she's still the same old her. It shows. It's the kind of thing she would say. "WE *censored...* GAVE THEM OUR CHAMPIONSHIP".
They're both basketballers, the newly-linked and she. And it's natural to get upset over that sort of thing. I reckon I would be too if I messed up a choral competition. Choral Fest - who could possibly mess up such a thing? Not with the intense though few practices!
Speaking of Choral Fest... Denyse and I are going to the Festival Choir 1 Chalet gathering tomorrow. Finally it's going to be over. It's all going to be over.
As in the suspense, not the end of these friendships. Friendships never really end.
~Seraphine Chorister~ sang in The Butterfly Garden
[10:00 PM]
Saturday, September 02, 2006: Voce. Luce. Pace.
In English, the title just doesn't sound as beautiful. The English version is "Voice. Light. Peace."
It's in Italian. Yet again, another Romance language. A very apt category name, don't you agree? Because they all descended from Latin which was the language of the Ancient Romans.
Don't come to me about Roman Mythology, because it's actually Greek Mythology. They're one and the same. The Romans only had inanimate gods (true idols) with their flamens.
I hate to see something being plagiarised.
Today... Cedar Open House! Booth-manning was so bad. I was frozen stiff. Seriously. Then I got the travelling choir shift and it was so fun! But in the end everyone got scattered and I didn't know what to do so I ended up in the workshop. I hope the Sec 1s benefited from it. I really do. And in the end... blundered again. Why can't I remember?
Now I hope I can.
Replies... to linkless tags!
To layeng: Done.
To eeyang: Me too! Do you have a blog too? Leave a link OK?
To tiara: Please link me too...
On this note, I'm signing (and singing) off.
~Seraphine Chorister~ sang in The Butterfly Garden
[2:01 PM]
Friday, September 01, 2006: A farewell to August... and a new dawn
Hey ho. I never knew it'd be like this. And the Quizilla user Piratica sure knows where to get their pictures. I modified some things, by the way. Like spelling and punctuation edits. With me, you can't go wrong with language (at least I hope to be like that in future!). By the way, for my birthday this year, I got a piece of pearl jewellery. Very cheap. And it has pearls on it, and my birthday this year fell on a Monday. A Lunar birthday, so to speak. But my true lunar birthday didn't fall on that day. I wonder when they'll come together again. Now... *in the midst of a sombre silence* Goodbye August 2006. You were the emptiest of my life. The only climaxes I experienced when you were here were passive ones. By passive, I mean that I didn't do anything to deserve them. Unlike Choral Excellence, which was an active climax. And I shall look forward to September. Forward, and onward. And nothing more. Behind I leave my regrets. And onward I carry my visions. And it is time to bump the revision up. It really is. And time to tie up the loose ends. And there's no reason - astrologically - not to, because my ruling planet, Mercury, is ruling the skies again, this time as Virgo. Yeah, Hermes rocks. He rules intelligence. And I hope that with mine, I can suck up all the info in the textbooks. (No offense intended.) Signing off on this note. Update at 6.30pm - reply to avery: Because I didn't think that practically the whole class would show up, according to the pics on Chin Yu's blog. Honestly, when I'm once bitten, I'm more than twice shy - I'm killed forever by that bite.
[R][E][D][O][N][E] What is Your TRUE Astrology Sign? (for guys and girls with incredibly detailed answers and incredible pictures)
You are a Cancer, the funniest sign of the zodiac. You are family-oriented, loyal, lovable, kind, sensitive, intuitive and imaginitive! You are very, very protective of your friends, and you give them great advice! The animal you are most like is, a crab! Crabs are very smart, mabe thats why they have lived for over 500 million years! Crabs have a tough exterior in which they hide their soft-selfs (just like you and your emotions). And just like the crab, you have two ways to go in life, the hard lifeless shell or the heart!
-your lucky colors are sea green(the color of your home, the sea) and silver(the color of the moon)
-your metal is silver (me:didn't see that one coming*note the sarcasm*)
-your precious stone is a Pearl
-your lucky day of the week is Monday
-your element is water
-the planet you are ruled by is the Moon. Hey you're just like the tides, you know the moon makes the tides go in and out!! Oh well, guess not
-the parts of the body that you rule are your stomach and breasts(me:stop giggling, he he)
-your true love comes from a scorpio, pisces, taurus, or your own cancer!
Take this quiz!
Make A Quiz More Quizzes Grab Code
~Seraphine Chorister~ sang in The Butterfly Garden
[9:08 AM]
~Inner Circle~
Chek Seen
Hee Ai
Jasmine Leong
~Choristers past and present~
Wan Ping
Xu Chang
~(Ex-)Classmates Circle~
Chin Yu
Ee Yang
Eva Seah
Han Le
Jia Qi
Ji Wei
Lay Eng
Melissa Lim
Wei Yi
adobe photoshop & illustrator CS
Name `~Seraphine Chorister~; the Weaver
Birthstone + Sun Sign `Emerald; Gemini
School + CCA `Cedarian; Choir - Soprano 1
Class `2Puritian 2006; 3I<3U-ian 2007
Choirgirl forever!
English, Chinese, French, Korean, Greek, Latin, Hokkien/Teochew, Malay. (That's a lot.)
o3`Success, of course.
the butterfly garden~
Why not serenade the butterflies too?
The Past
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007